Sunday 14 June 2015

Is Facebook Going To Become The New Google

For close to two decades, Google has been the dominant online brand. It’s the name people turn to whenever they go to the web with a query. It provides maps, email, cloud storage, encyclopedic information entries, news, videos, operating systems, and countless other services—for free—to people around the world. Whether you judge it in terms of its technological sophistication, its authority and influence, its revenue-generating power, or just its scale, it is the preeminent force in the online world, and few companies can compete with it.

In terms of competitors, Bing and Yahoo are the only real brands that come to mind. Together, they account for less than a third of all search traffic, and most people don’t give them a second thought because they aren’t nearly as sophisticated as Google and don’t have access to anywhere near the amount of resources that Google does....Read More

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